Kirkham and Wesham Club day procession - early 1900s - along Poulton Street, Kirkham, led by little flower girls, with brass band in backgroundKirkham and Wesham Club day procession - early 1900s - along Poulton Street, Kirkham, led by little flower girls, with brass band in background
Kirkham and Wesham Club day procession - early 1900s - along Poulton Street, Kirkham, led by little flower girls, with brass band in background

Pubs, windmills and scenes from Fylde's past

This collection of photos from Fylde’s historical past have a tale or two to tell.

One of the oldest pictures shows the Eagle and Child at Weeton. It’s of the oldest inns in the Fylde built more than 400 years ago and originally thatched. The Danes first settled in Weeton and built a road through the district to Poulton, about 1040. Another super old pub photo shows The Guides House at Warton. It was aptly called because a guide would escort parties through a ford at low tide to Hesketh Bank, at the other side of the River Ribble.