Back pain in spotlight for science show

Back pain in spotlight for science showBack pain in spotlight for science show
Back pain in spotlight for science show
People suffering back pain in Blackpool are being urged to take part in a ground-breaking study to explore new pain relief.

The experiment is being carried out by BBC TV’s flagship Horizon programme.

Chronic back pain affects around one-in-six adults in the UK, yet is notoriously difficult to treat.

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In the Horizon programme a team of doctors will explore a new type of pain relief that could transform back pain care.

In a unique experiment, he’ll put the treatment to the test by recruiting 150 back pain sufferers from the Blackpool area.

BBC Horizon are currently looking for volunteers for a unique study into back pain.

The study is being carried out under the supervision of researchers from the University of Oxford.

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It will be filmed for a BBC Horizon documentary to be broadcast later this year.

Filming will take place in Blackpool in April and May.

Blackpool has one the highest incidences of back pain of any town in the country, Arthritis Research UK estimates that 19 per cent of the population are affected.

Anybody aged between 18 and 75 and living in the Blackpool area who wants to take part should call 01253 366023.

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