Calls to assist Syrians fleeing war answered

Sam Griffiths with her daughter Arabella Griffiths-Weston,  threeSam Griffiths with her daughter Arabella Griffiths-Weston,  three
Sam Griffiths with her daughter Arabella Griffiths-Weston, three
A Fylde woman who set up a Facebook group for donations for the Syrian refugee crisis said collection points had been ‘mostly filled’.

Sam Griffiths, 30, from Warton, organised drop-off points for clothing and food supplies, which will be collected and sent to a refugee camp in Calais.

She told members of the group collections points were ‘mostly full’ and asked for any further donations to be dropped off at the Students’ Union in Fylde Road, Preston.

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Donations will be given to Calais Action and taken to France early next month.

Sam said she had designated her home in Post Lane as a drop-off point, while numerous others were also set up across the area.

She said: “As human beings we have a moral obligation to help others.

“This has shown me how generous people in Lancashire are. It’s restored my faith in humanity”.

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Calais Action is a grass-roots giving movement, supported by volunteers who provide support and raise awareness of the growing humanitarian crisis.

A third of Britons have helped in some way, a recent poll found.

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