Blackpool: From the courts 18-06-18

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

Chloe Thursfield, 24, failing to ensure a child’s attendance at school

Education officials who called at an address were met by a six-year-old boy who told them through the letterbox he could not wake his mother.

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The officials got into the home in Blackpool and found the boy’s mother asleep in bed and roused her.

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court

The mother, Chloe Thursfield, was furious the officials had come into her home and told them she struggled to get up in the mornings to take her son to school.

Thursfield, 24, of Bowness Avenue, Mereside, was charged with failing to ensure a child’s attendance at school.

She did not attend court and was found guilty in her absence by Blackpool magistrates who fined her £440 with £200 costs plus £44 victims’ surcharge.

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Lynda Bennett, prosecuting for Blackpool Council’s Education Department, told the court the case involved Thursfield’s six-year-old son who was a pupil at Mereside Primary School.

The boy’s attendance at school was 51 per cent and he had 75 unauthorised absences between November 28 last year and April 20 this year.

Mrs Bennett said the Government had set a child’s school attendance rate at 90 percent or higher.

A number of visits were made to the boy’s home but no-one answered the door.

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Mrs Bennett said: “Education officials then conducted another home visit.

A six-year-old boy came to the letterbox and said his mummy was asleep and he couldn’t wake her. The property was then entered.”

Thursfield who was in bed and woken by officials was described as being very angry they had come into her home.

She said she had struggled to get up in the mornings since her relationship with her partner had ended.

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Thursfield added that she was often unable to get to sleep until 4am and then slept through the morning alarm.

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Thursday's round-up of cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court 14-06-18

Raven Gwilliam, 21, assault and drunk and disorderly

A drunken woman kicked a constable in the groin as she was being put into a police van.

Raven Gwilliam then had to be sprayed with pepper spray to restrain her enough to get her into the police vehicle.

Gwilliam, 21, of Bishopgate, Grange Park, pleaded guilty to assault and being drunk and disorderly.

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She was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 20 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, fined £10 and ordered to pay the police officer £100 compensation.

Anthony Austin, 50, assault

A man accused of assaulting his wife and threatening to set dogs onto police officers has made his first appearance at court.

Anthony Austin, 50, of Nookwood Barn, Blackpool Road, Kirkham, now living at Lawson Road, Blackpool, is charged with assaulting his wife and a woman friend and threatening behaviour.

He was bailed for four weeks for further enquiries into the case.

Wayne Theobold, 25, assault

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A father-of-four injured his former sister-in-law when she was playing the Good Samaritan and giving him a lift.

Wayne Theobold smashed the driver’s window of her car showering her with glass which cut her lip and wrist.

Theobold, a 35-year-old tyre and exhaust fitter, of Arlington Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to assault and two offences of causing damage.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 15 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, ordered to do 40 hours unpaid work for the community and told to pay compensation of £435 to his former sister-in-law and £550 to the owner of a Ford Ka he damaged.

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When interviewed Theobold said that before the incident he had drunk four to six bottles of lager and then some vodka.

Michael Woosnam, defending, told magistrates: “It seems he was so drunk he has no recollection of what went on.” Theobold was appalled when he realised later what he had done.

Martin Lewis, 25, burglary

A man has admitted burgling a commercial property and helping to stealing workmens’ tools.

Martin Lewis, of Hill Street, Blackpool, also admitted possessing a small quantity of drugs and fraud by pretending he was the owner of a power drill when he pawned it for £15 when in fact it was stolen.

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Lewis had broken into the premises on Station Road which was being refurbished. He was given a community sentence with 15 days rehabilitation and must pay £235 court costs.

The court heard how Lewis and a friend had broken into the premises on Station Road which was being refurbished.

The tools had been left secure but Lewis removed them and hid them in a nearby back yard.

He returned to the premises where he was confronted by the builders who made him take them to the place where the tools had been left.

The builders then called in police.