Blackpool: From the courts 24-11-17

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
Here is the latest round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.
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Thursday’s round-up of cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court 23-11-17

Michael Clark, 33, assaulting a police officer, criminal damage

A company director injured a police officer when he struggled violently to avoid being removed from a taxi.

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Michael Clark damaged the officer’s shoulder and he was off work sick for three weeks as well as needing physiotherapy after he returned to duty.

Clark had lost his temper in a cab over a fare and kicked a perspex security screen in the taxi breaking it.

The 33-year-old of Ribby Road, Wrea Green, pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer and causing damage.

Prosecutor, Tracy Yates, said the black cab driver picked up Clark and a woman in Blackpool, on June 30 at 3.30am.

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The woman was dropped off in the resort and Clark asked to be taken to Wrea Green. As it was quite a distance the cabbie asked for the fare up front.

Clark then became abusive calling the driver “Scottish scum”, saying he should not be on the road and that he would be killed, before kicking the security screen.

When police arrived Clark refused to get out of the taxi and an officer was injured as attempts were made to remove him.

The cab driver said he had been so unnerved by the incident he would no longer work late hours.

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Clark, who had three previous convictions for assault, told police he had drunk eight or nine bottles of beer before the incident.

Howard Green, defending, said his client was adamant he had already paid the driver £30.

Clark said the cabbie then asked for more money and stopped at a cash machine.

He had waited in the taxi because he wanted to complain about being ripped off and at first did not realise he was being arrested.

Clark was bailed for pre-sentence reports.

Graham Reade, 27, threatening behaviour

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A man has made his first appearance at court accused of pulling a nine-inch kitchen knife on a neighbour who asked him to be quiet at their block of flats.

Graham Reade, 27, formerly of Alexandra Road, South Shore, now living at Coronation Street, Blackpool, pleaded not guilty to behaving in a threatening manner causing a man to believe violence would be used against him.

He was bailed to January 24 for trial.

Reade must not contact the complainant or the complainant’s partner or enter Alexandra Road as conditions of his bail.

Nicholas Green, 27, drug-driving

A driver seen speeding in a BMW by police was found to have drugs in his bloodstream.

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Nicholas Green, a 27-year-old electrician, of Norkeed Road, Bispham, pleaded guilty to drug driving.

He was banned from the road for 12 months, fined £200 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Tracy Yates, said police saw Green speeding on Madison Avenue on August 19, and signalled him to stop, but he accelerated away and only came to a halt on Queens Promenade.

Green told officers he panicked. The car smelt of cannabis and he admitted he had been smoking the drug.

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A blood test showed three units of cannabis in his body - two is the limit.

David Charnley, said his client, who had no previous convictions, had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

Green’s job depended on him being able to drive so he would lose his employment, Mr Charnley told the court.