Blackpool nursery man on child sex charges

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A children's nursery worker has made his first appearance at court charged with child sex offences.

Zackariah Downes, 25, stood in the dock before District Judge Jeff Brailsford at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

The judge sent Downes’ case to be heard at Preston Crown Court on June 20.

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Downes, of Drakelove Avenue, South Shore, is said to have committed the offences between June and July last year.

He faces three charges f sexually assaulting three girls under the age of 13- one aged just eight.

He also faces two charges of voyeurism involving young girls and three charges of making indecent photographs of girls.

His lawyer Patrick Nelligan did not indicate any plea on behalf of his client before the trial.