Family speaks out after child rapist is jailed

James LismoreJames Lismore
James Lismore
A rapist who told a schoolgirl he would hurt her family unless she performed sex acts on him has been jailed for 16 years.

Monster James Lismore has left his young victim unable to go out and deliberately overeating in the belief it will stop people being attracted to her, according to horrified members of her family.

The traumatised teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had even fled abroad at one point to try to escape his abuse.

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The case came to light when she bravely confided in her grandmother.

Lismore had denied a string of rape offences, forcing his young victim to go through the harrowing ordeal of giving evidence at his trial at Preston Crown Court.

The girl’s uncle, who was in court when the jury returned, said: “He gave no reaction when the verdicts were given.

“It’s been terrible. He told her something bad would happen to her family if she did not do as he said and threatened to hurt them if she told anyone.

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“The impact has been unimaginable. She has reverted to a child. She should be doing makeup, going out with her friends. But she has no friends. All she does is stay in and eat and deliberately try to put on weight, because she doesn’t want men being attracted to her.

“I do think justice has been done, it’s a lengthy sentence. But his crimes will be with her for life.”

Jurors took around an hour to convict Irish-born Lismore, 59, of Clifford Road, North Shore, of six offences of raping a girl while she was between the ages of seven and four of attempting to rape the same girl and one of sexually assaulting her.

At the time of some of the sickening offences, he was working as a barman at Little Fat Jack’s Social Club, on George Street, Blackpool – despite claiming disability benefits over claims he had been shot in both legs and was unable to work.

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He was convicted of benefit fraud in 2008 and has not worked since, sources say.

Lismore has been given notification requirements for life, along with a sexual harm prevention order, also for life.

Det Sgt Ellie Gomerson from the Public Protection Unit said: “I am pleased that Lismore has been brought to justice for his actions and now faces a significant prison sentence.

“Lismore subjected his victim to a horrifying ordeal which had a devastating impact on her and deprived her of her childhood.

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“The victim in this case has been extremely brave in coming forward and reporting these offences to us and I hope the outcome at court will go some way towards helping her to rebuild her life.

“We are committed to tackling the perpetrators of sexual abuse and I would urge anyone who has been a victim to report it to us.”