Mum with heroin spared prison

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A mum who was caught with heroin during an incident at a shop has been given a 12- month drug rehabilitation requirement.

A mum who was caught with heroin during an incident at a shop has been given a 12- month drug rehabilitation requirement.

Ashley Spencer-Hughes, 21, of Woodpark Road, Marton, admitted possessing the drug on May 28, putting her in breach of a suspended jail term for affray.

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Prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, Peter Barr, said: “The police were called to what would appear to have been an incident at the Co-op store and as part of the investigation they had cause to search her and found on her a small wrap of brown powder.

“When asked about it out it she accepted it was heroin for personal use.”

Until two years ago Spencer-Hughes had been of good character but has amassed 11 convictions for 18 offences.

The court heard she was born into a “disruptive family” and had mental health issues.

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In her teens she began to associate with her father, a drug addict, and began using valium.

As her grandmother and aunt watched from the public gallery, Recorder Sally Hatfield QC said: “You have breached orders by the commission of these offences and normally you would go to prison,

“I’m not going to do that today because you are a young woman and you committed no offences at all before you amassed 11 convictions for 18 offences.

“You became involved in drugs with your father and partner.

“It has caused you enormous loss.”

She said she was impressed by her efforts to beat her addiction and referring to her relatives she added: “ They must have watched your decline with great unhappiness and the fact they are here today does give me confidence.”