Garstang family tells of loss after sad death of Pippa

Pippa ColePippa Cole
Pippa Cole
A little girl who stunned doctors by overcoming cancer twice has died after a brave battle.

Five-year-old Pippa Cole was struck down by 12 tumours over nearly four years.

Her parents announced she had died on Monday morning in a touching Facebook message.

Yesterday, they said: “We will all miss Pippa very much.”

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Pippa’s parents Scott and Michelle added: “We don’t really know what to say but we want to thank everyone in the community for their endless support.” Since she was 18 months old, Pippa, from Garstang, has undergone five brain operations and months of intense chemotherapy beating off five tumours.

When Pippa was three her parents were given the devastating news that doctors could do nothing more for her and that she only had weeks to live.

Parents Scott, 37, and Michelle, 35, tried to make her final weeks as happy as possible. The couple brought forward their wedding to see Pippa as a flower girl and went on holiday to Walt Disney World in Florida. But in a scan to check her progress, her family were amazed to discover the tumours had completely disappeared. Pippa even began her first year at Scorton C E Primary School but by October she was back in hospital for more MRI scans.

The scans revealed her family’s worst fears – the cancer had returned.

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Fayee Mower was one of hundreds of people who took to the Pippa Cole - Brain Cancer Journey Facebook page following the news.

She said: “Heaven just could not wait, such an honour to know this beautiful brave girl, the brightest star it the sky, never forgotten.”

Kirsti Marie Redfern posted: “I’m sure everyone who has been following her story will hug their loved ones a little closer tonight.”

“Sending love and prayers for you and the rest of the family. Sleep tight beautiful girl.”