Jumping for joy at top class primary

Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.  Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11.Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.  Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11.
Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT. Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11.
Children at a Blackpool school jumped for joy after their primary was celebrated as one of the best in Britain.

Mereside Primary School on Langdale Road was ranked within the top 20cent of schools in the country for outstanding results in reading, writing and maths by the Schools, Students and Teachers Network’s (SSAT) annual Educational Outcomes Awards.

The school was also named as one of Britain’s top 10 per cent for supporting pupils’ academic progress, with improvements in reading, writing and maths being ‘significantly higher’ than the national average.

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Susan Diver, headteacher at Mereside Primary School, said: “We were absolutely overjoyed to see how well our children had done and how all the hard work they had put in has paid off.

Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.
Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.

“We’re going from strength to strength and it’s good to get recognition for that.”

The school was awarded a certificate in celebration of its efforts by the SSAT last month after impressing network leaders with their 2015 exam results, which saw 92 per cent of Year 6 pupils achieve level four or above in every subject. Mrs Diver said: “Thirty six children got level fives, and we even had a few level sixes. I’m extremely proud of them and of the teachers for helping them get those results.

“People are always very pleasantly surprised when they come to Mereside and they see just how able and hard-working our children are. The results we have got are a reflection of the children and how hard they work.”

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Sue Williamson, chief executive of SSAT, said: “It is my pleasure to commend Mereside Primary School on their excellent performance.

Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.
Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.

“I hope that the SSAT Educational Outcomes Award will highlight the professionalism, commitment and hard work of the leaders, teachers and students at Mereside Primary School.

“Recognising and sharing successes like this is at the heart of SSAT’s mission, so I’m delighted to congratulate Mereside on that achievement.”