MP's push for improvements in rape cases

Fleetwood MP Cat SmithFleetwood MP Cat Smith
Fleetwood MP Cat Smith
Fleetwood MP Cat Smith took part in a House of Commons debate to discuss variations in the number of rapists and sex offenders convicted in different police areas.

She quizzed Solicitor General Robert Buckland on “what assessment he has made of reasons for variations between police force areas in conviction rates for rape offences.”

She added: “Crown Prosecution Service national guidance suggests that improvements have been made through the appointment of rape specialist prosecutors.

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“However, their success is entirely dependent on the evidence referred to them in the first place, as one of my constituents, who was raped while away at university, found to her distress.”

Solicitor General Buckland replied: “There are a number of factors at various stages that are likely to have an impact on conviction rates for rape, but the Crown Prosecution Service is committed to improving the rate by working closely with partners in all police force areas.

“I am glad to say that in her area - the North-West - the area rape and serious sexual offences unit has been generating an improvement in the conviction rate, which has gone up by almost 10 per cent in the last year.”