Times change and so must we writes Roy Edmonds

Cop 26 conferenceCop 26 conference
Cop 26 conference
Our Indian summer’s gone, in a welter of heavy rain and gales. However, now the sun’s casting an autumn glow over gardens and parks.

At Edmonds Towers, Joe - our once-a-year gardener - dropped round to chop back the ivy hedge, along with anything else in the vicinity of his power clippers.

Happily, though, there are still some hardy plants flourishing - along with She Who Knows’ artificial wisteria; while garden birds are out once more, busy feathering winter nests.

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Inside, we’re doing the same – the Towers’ fires are aglow and, upstairs, heated blankets and winter duvets on.

Down at my local it was a similar story of seasonal change, with warming winter porters and stouts. I was meeting old pals, former colleagues now semi-retired from newspapers.

How we laughed over those ‘good, old days’, even our headlines gone wrong (‘Man hit by train was depressed’).

It was fun and - as ever in the cheerful company of family or friends – heartening too.

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However, glancing around that corner pub’s lounge, there was now a chilling difference. This pandemic has left its mark on us all, changing lives forever.

Just in that one friendly hostelry, more than a half-dozen former patrons - all old friends - won’t be seen again. A certain buzz and atmosphere have gone; times are changed.

Well, of course, we must change with them – though we who remain still cherish those past.

At least Covid has taught more respect for the natural world, for our gardens, parks and forests. Let’s pray the world leaders have learned that hard lesson too. We owe it to the young.

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Soon the festivities will be upon us, as we give thanks for our good fortune with family and friends; then the prospect of a better new year than this challenging one.

Let’s enjoy it all!

* Read Roy’s books sponsored by the Arts Council @ FeedARead, Amazon Kindle and Waterstones.

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