Letters - August 11, 2016

Photo Neil Cross
One of Blackpool Transport's 10 brand new double decker buses in St John's Square
Bus enthusiast Scott Poole came from Harrogate to view the new busPhoto Neil Cross
One of Blackpool Transport's 10 brand new double decker buses in St John's Square
Bus enthusiast Scott Poole came from Harrogate to view the new bus
Photo Neil Cross One of Blackpool Transport's 10 brand new double decker buses in St John's Square Bus enthusiast Scott Poole came from Harrogate to view the new bus
TRANSPORTDiscrimination is rife on the busesI am minded to stop using the local buses and trams because of discrimination by drivers and conductors of these vehicles.

Being permanently disabled, I am obliged to use a mobility scooter which is rented from Motobility, the Government-backed mobility scheme. Although I have been kindly given a Blackpool Transport Scooter Permit and a disabled persons NOW card, these are not a lot of use when faced with a driver hostile to disabled people.

Recent experiences include having the doors closed in my face whilst waiting to board, being refused the wheelchair space on a tram when the door recess was occupied, a (lady) driver refusing to near the kerb in order to reduce the ramp incline etc etc. These instances have resulted in being left to wait for the next service whilst able-bodied people were able to travel.

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I must stress that only a tiny minority of drivers have this negative frame of mind.

I have contacted Blackpool Transport about this problem but they seem unable to help. One staff member told me they have no control over their drivers once they are on the road. The council too are unable, or unwilling, to get involved and my two local ward councillors are not interested. It may be that someone higher in the Labour ranks is telling them to do nothing.

It could be that my MP, or an article in the national press, can assist my plight, meanwhile the discrimination continues.

Brian Ma ssey

Bispham Road



Spending on Trident is simply reckless

I welcome the debate in Your Say pages on the Trident issue, since the government vote to renew a replacement of the submarine nuclear weapons system; sadly they give no information about the risks involved.

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The advocates of Trident seem to suggest we need it in an uncertain world as a prevention strategy from war. The narrow debate from government gives no information on the facts and development of such weapons of mass destruction, when we need to understand that there are only a few countries that have developed nuclear weapons.

There are, in fact, 15,000 nuclear weapons held in nine countries. Despite tensions around the world from rogue states, the government does not mention technological developments in anti-submarine warfare. Threats posed by terrorist activity with the use of sophisticated underwater drones that can detect the position of nuclear submarines at sea poses a high risk

There is also the problem of these weapons being open to risks of technical or human error. Nuclear deterrence systems cannot be absolute, as we now find that there have been many such errors during the nuclear age.

There have been numerous known cases across the world of ‘near nuclear use’ over the past 60 years, despite much history being shrouded in secrecy. It is therefore only a matter of time before our luck runs out.

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The UK’s round-the-clock nuclear patrols; the desire to continue these indefinitely, adds significantly to this risk. The government urgently needs to exert political influence on Russia and America to take their nuclear weapons off “high alert” status.

Also our government should join the multilateral negotiations with the 130 countries endorsing United Nations working group discussions towards a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

The cost of £200billion over its life time is reckless when the destruction of mankind is at stake.

Roy Lewis

Haddon Road



Thanks to lovely hospital staff

On Sunday, July 24 my daughter had to call for an ambulance as I was gasping for breath.

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I would like to thank the ambulance crew Richard and his mate. I would like to thank the doctors, also Sarah, Charlotte, Olivia and the rest of the staff – they were really lovely.

I was then moved to Ward 5 and would like to thank Sister Cath and the other sisters, also Samantha Aru and the doctors and all the other staff, as they were so good to me.

Mrs A H Bellinger

Grasmere Avenue



Let the Games be about taking part

The time comes around again for the charade known as the Olympic Games.

In view of the ongoing controversies relating to drugs and who should/should not be partaking, will the simple answer be to let them all come and, on arrival, competitors be presented with a medal, papier-mache in mixed gold, silver and bronze colours, letting them compete with the placings having becoming irrelevant?

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Think of the cost-effectiveness and an end to the jingoistic medal presentation ceremonies.


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What a pity Larry didn’t merit a gong

With regard to David Cameron’s resignation honours list. I feel that Larry the Downing Street cat must be very disappointed to have missed out.

Chris Boddy

address supplied

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