Letters - February 5, 2019

A woman waits for a bus on busy Poulton Road, where residents say elderly people are struggling to reach the post office, which is based inside the garageA woman waits for a bus on busy Poulton Road, where residents say elderly people are struggling to reach the post office, which is based inside the garage
A woman waits for a bus on busy Poulton Road, where residents say elderly people are struggling to reach the post office, which is based inside the garage
Standing up for older passengers on bus

Public transport is a crucial lifeline for the UK’s ageing population, with more than three million older people relying on public transport for basic needs.

It’s therefore deeply concerning that 36 per cent of older people – many not so confident on their feet – are often unable to find a seat on public transport, and are not offered one.

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One in five older people are so worried about a lack of seating, they’re likely to avoid public transport altogether. That is why campaigns like Standing Up 4 Sitting Down, that aims to make seating more accessible on the high street and public transport, need to exist.

In the midst of a loneliness epidemic, we must do better for our older generations. We’re calling on the public to send a letter to their local transport providers, asking them to join the campaign and encourage passengers to consider the needs of others.

Jane Ashcroft CBE

Chief Executive of Anchor Hanover


Labour missed chance to lead

Where are the real British leaders proud to serve and lead a compelling and meaningful cause such as Brexit?

The Labour leadership that has no purpose, or real cause, has missed the greatest opportunity it has ever had to lead the people of this country.

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I, myself, am from a true working class background and have always voted Labour. Now in my 60s, I feel I have the right to be heard. Brexit gave the Labour party its greatest opportunity to govern this great country again. However, due to its total lack of leadership and small-minded vision, it has no real direction.

A leader needs to rise up out of the weeds, raise the British flag above the rooftops and tell these Europeans that they will never be allowed to have a say in how we manage our borders, lead our people or govern our people.

Name and address 


It’s madness 
to leave the EU

For most of my working life, I was involved in manufacturing and had many years’ experience in importing and exporting manufactured goods and travelling throughout Europe.

I’m of an age when I can remember the UK manufacturing scene before we joined the then Common Market.

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It wasn’t pleasant, with the UK having poor labour relations combined with under-investment in industry during the 1950s, caused by the recovery from the Second World War.

This backdrop coincided with declining markets in the old British Empire. I was, and still am, of the opinion that Europe should be our main export market.

The creation of the EU single market (Mrs Thatcher’s idea and goal) has been the biggest single improvement to UK trade in my working life.

Japanese and other investment flowed in, financial services flourished, and export rules and regulations were standardised.

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To vote these benefits away is a madness from which UK industry and commerce will never recover. I also know of one major local company, foreign-owned, which is seriously questioning the viability of its UK manufacturing site.

I see many other local businesses who will question future investment if they see export market access being restricted, which it will if the UK exits the EU on WTO terms, with few or any trade agreements in place.

You will realise from the tone of my comments, I’m very upset by the current situation and the impasse in Parliament, but pleased that Mrs May’s current deal has been defeated.

Unfortunately, Mrs May has only one concern and that is for the Conservative Party and herself to stay in power, and that’s why we have had the botched negotiations.

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On a separate note, I think that we also need a public inquiry into our current democratic system and the role played by the press and social media.

It’s quite clear to me that the right-wing press and the social media formed an important part in creating the current mess. The part played by sole individual or majority-share press/media ownership has to be questioned, alongside misuse of data and foreign intervention.

Winston Collinge

Address supplied

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