Letters - March 3, 2016

The Friends of Ansdell Library held a read-in outside the building as part of their campaign to prevent the library's closure.
Protestors outside the library.  PIC BY ROB LOCKThe Friends of Ansdell Library held a read-in outside the building as part of their campaign to prevent the library's closure.
Protestors outside the library.  PIC BY ROB LOCK
The Friends of Ansdell Library held a read-in outside the building as part of their campaign to prevent the library's closure. Protestors outside the library. PIC BY ROB LOCK
FRACKING'˜Good reasons to object to fracking'It is good to see that today the public health case for placing a moratorium on shale gas exploration will be made at the public inquiry into fracking in Lancashire. The risks to public health are among the most significant reasons for objecting to shale extraction in the UK. Meanwhile, scientific consensus tells us there will be major indirect health impacts via fossil-fuel driven climate change.

The direct local effects may include risks associated with exposure to air and water pollutants, and hazardous material. Further, noise pollution, increased traffic and socioeconomic factors should not be easily dismissed. Cuadrilla claims exploration is safe, but that claim rests on an assumed adherence to best practice; and best practice requires adequate regulation, and confidence in the regulators.

The indirect effects include that emissions from shale gas will fuel climate change. Climate change is affecting health now and is, according to the Lancet, the greatest threat to health of the 21st century.

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Finally, it is concerning the Secretary of State Greg Clark could dismiss a decision that reflects the legitimate concerns of those who will be directly affected.

We urge that the risk to public health is given proper and due consideration as this important public inquiry unfolds.

Professor Sue Atkinson CBE & Dr Tim Ballard, UK Climate and Health Council

Dr Frank Boulton

Dr Hugh Grant Peterkin

Dr Alex Armitage

Dr Fred Martineau


Library closure would be a huge loss

I would like bring to your attention how much Ansdell Library is part of our local community.

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It is used by my family, neighbours, children’s school and friends on a weekly basis, providing essential and easily accessible services.

Should it close it would be a huge loss to the area and a great shame. I would be extremely grateful if everyone does do everything within their powers to make sure it remains open.

Miles Oliver

via email


When are they going to sort out the roads?

Just when is Lancashire County Council going to take some positive action over the road network? It is so out dated it’s a positive disgrace.

The extension to the M55 is still waiting to be started, and that is going to take, at a guess, at least two years. Queensway is hopeless, a single carriageway curving road. It’s no good belly-aching about accidents up there when it’s a dual carriageway capable of being of being 40mph. What is going to be needed is another road road from Clifton Drive to Kilnhouse Lane to avoid town centre and Squires Gate shopping centre traffic.

The council is going to have to wake up to the needs of motorists – you cannot stop car usage, it’s what drives the economy.

Michael Bryan

Jubilee Way

Lytham St Annes