Letters - September 5, 2018

The sign letting customers know the bad news.The sign letting customers know the bad news.
The sign letting customers know the bad news.
Scandal of established firms going to the wall

I was saddened to read about the closure of the Blackpool town centre butchers shop Ron Reddy’s.

This independent shop had been serving quality produce and offering good old fashioned customer service for 50 years.

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I spoke to the owners in person around last January, and they were very concerned about their drop in footfall.

The closure of Talbot Road, caused by the tramway infrastructure works, has had a massive impact to many small and large businesses.

Reputable businesses such as Ron Reddy’s have been a credit to the town. Serving generations of local residents, they have offered much-needed year-round employment. This type of counter-based retail relies heavily on passing trade which has been taken away from them through no fault of their own .

It’s a scandal that several people have lost their livelihoods as a result of what seem very poor decisions and spending.

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I’m a strong supporter of public transport, but cannot justify the £23m being spent on this ludicrous tram extension project.

Blackpool does not have the road infrastructure to accommodate inland tramways in this day and age.

In the meantime, in reality, businesses are suffering a very painful journey, not meeting their trading overheads, inevitably creating further shop closures.

The council should have listened to its loyal council taxpayers by offering the public a modern fit-for-purpose Blackpool bus station, which would have boosted the town centre by attracting shoppers.

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The council should be anxious to avoid further business closures such as Ron Reddy’s. In business, it’s the till that tells the tale.

Stephen Pierre

Campaigner for a 
Blackpool Bus Station


Bad decision... but that’s democracy

Prime Minister Theresa May has said that a second vote to decide Britain’s exit from the European Union wasn’t going to happen as “it would be a betrayal of democracy and trust”. What does this mean as an event and in terms of democracy?

In 2016 British voters decided to leave the European Union, a decision that would be similar to Alaska leaving the USA or Tasmania leaving Australia - basically deciding to go it alone because it might be better. The problem is that, like any ‘divorce’, it is messy, expensive and not everyone gets what they want - except the lawyers.

There are many who now think that it wasn’t a good move and that if it was revoted on the decision would be reversed. Hindsight is a great skill but not one that should lead to political changes or there may be a lot of changes around the world.

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Australia has a relatively easy way of changing Prime Minister and last week a group of about 50 individuals, admittedly all elected to office, decided to do this.

If the rest of the world had this easy option how many leaders would be looking over their shoulders with fear?

Democracy like any political system has its strengths and flaws but it is probably the best approach for most people and therefore democratic decision have to be supported even if they are unpopular or in hindsight are seen as flawed.

Dennis Fitzgerald

Address supplied


Not a principled or tough negotiator

Boris Johnson attacks Theresa May’s Brexit proposals with a miscellany of mixed metaphors, with references to white flags, tanks, wrestlers, etc; written in his usual belligerent tone, but, with no proposals of his own.

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As Foreign Secretary his inept negotiating style, probably increased the time Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe will serve in an Iranian jail.

Later he used his position (at taxpayers’ expense) to scuttle off to Afghanistan, to avoid the vote on the runway proposals, he had so vociferously opposed, rather than exposing his reluctance to battle a bulldozer. Not exactly the record of a tough, principled negotiator.

Denis Lee



It’s Strictly a 
load of Z-listers

Strictly are pulling out all the stops to get the big stars this year.

Charles Venn, (no me neither), a YouTuber worth millions and a couple of band members who used to dance in pop videos, but as they say it wasn’t really dancing, just taking part in music videos.

Not many A-listers more Z-listers this year.

Jayne Grayson

Address supplied


Are we a nation 
of super ages?

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It must be the good lifestyle, as it seems we are becoming a nation of super ages.

There are plenty of those between 80 and 100 who lead active lives and they seem to be looking to the future with a telegram from the Queen.

EB Warris

Via email