Little Louie’s on a mission to spread happiness

4 year-old Louie Ratcliffe joined his mum Rachael Irvine in handing out free daffodils to locals to mark Valentine's Day.
Louie hands out flowers.  PIC BY ROB LOCK
14-2-20194 year-old Louie Ratcliffe joined his mum Rachael Irvine in handing out free daffodils to locals to mark Valentine's Day.
Louie hands out flowers.  PIC BY ROB LOCK
4 year-old Louie Ratcliffe joined his mum Rachael Irvine in handing out free daffodils to locals to mark Valentine's Day. Louie hands out flowers. PIC BY ROB LOCK 14-2-2019
Little Louie Ratcliffe is a shining example of how a bit of kindness can go a long way.

The four-year-old spent time on Valentines’s Day, with his mum Rachael Irvine, handing out bunches of bright yellow daffodils to women and men in Lytham town centre.

He was on a mission to bring a little sunshine to people’s lives with the simple, kind-hearted gesture.

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He also visited Hedges House Care Home, on Church Road, to hand out flowers to the elderly residents.

Louie, of Westcliffe, Lytham, was born with a condition which gives him some autistic tendencies and some anxieties, but mum Rachael says he loves to meet new people.

They were supported by Lytham Round Table, who contacted Rachael and offered to pay for the daffodils she had ordered from the Lytham Posy Bowl, which had given them cost price.

Louie also received a letter from Fylde MP Mark Menzies, on House of Commons headed-paper, praising him for his efforts.

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Rachael said: “It became quite a community effort. And it went really, really well.

“A few people were a bit taken aback at first, thinking we were asking for donations, but when we explained to them it was just to do something nice, they were delighted.

“The residents at the nursing home loved it. We went into a few shops as well delivering the daffodils.

“Louie absolutely loved meeting people and talking to them, we really enjoyed the whole thing.

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“One lady said it was the best Valentine’s Day gift she had ever had.

“Louie loves to bring joy into people’s lives. We just wanted to brighten people’s days – especially if they were lonely. Sometimes, the smallest gesture can make a big difference, just put a smile on someone’s face, make them feel happy someone has thought of them. It made people smile and hopefully spread some joy.

“We would definitely like to do something along similar lines again in the future.”

The family has also been raising money for the charity Genetic Disorders UK. Louie was born with a small part of one his chromosomes missing.

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