Resilience Pathway: Here's what the 'Highlight Achievements' paving stone means

Lisa Mills, public health trainers at Blackpool HeadStartLisa Mills, public health trainers at Blackpool HeadStart
Lisa Mills, public health trainers at Blackpool HeadStart
It’s week 20 of the Resilience Pathway, a framework of resilience moves, designed to build resilience and help improve the lives of people in Blackpool.

The move for this week is ‘Highlight Achievements’, which is designed to teach young people to get into the habit of recognising their achievements and regularly reminding themselves of what they’ve accomplished.

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These are the stones that make up Blackpool's ‘Resilience Pathway on Talbot Road

We asked Lisa Mills, public health trainer at Blackpool HeadStart, why she feels this is an important move to make. She said: “I like to keep a list of all the things that I’ve done that I’m proud of. It can be any accomplishment no matter how big or small, for example walking more often or learning a new skill.

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“This is a really good habit to get in to, especially when we doubt ourselves or feel uneasy about doing things outside of our comfort zone.

“Next time you doubt yourself, take a look at that list and you’ll remember how far you’ve come and that you’re amazing!”

Find out what the young people have been up to this week by visiting the blog and discover more about our advice for ‘Highlight Achievements’. Head to or find us on social @HSBlackpool.

The Resilience Framework was developed by Professor Angie Hart and her colleagues at Boingboing. To find out more, why not visit

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