Spend pennies for park toilet

Stanley ParkStanley Park
Stanley Park
Plans have been submitted to install automatic coin operated toilets at Stanley Park.

The six new cubicles would be built into the existing 1920s loos close to the historic Art Deco cafe.

It is hoped the scheme will reduce anti-social behaviour and the idea has been welcomed by park campaigners and users.

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The current toilets are only open when the nearby cafe is staffed.

That would change with the new arrangements with the new loos, if approved, available 24 hours a day.

A Blackpool Council spokesman said: “The public toilets at Stanley Park have suffered from anti-social behaviour for a number of years.

“Due to this problem the toilets are only open when the park is staffed – with the reduction in staffing hours the toilets have seen their opening hours reduced.”

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The toilets were refurbished in 2003 as part of a Heritage Lottery Fund, this included decoration and new sanitary ware.

The spokesman added: “The materials used for the refurbishment, though vandal-proof, makes it a hard job to keep the facilities clean.

“The plan is to replace them with six purpose built individual units will assist Parks staff with cleaning, reduce anti-social behaviour and will be available at all times.”

The new coin-operated toilets for men and women are proposed to be installed in the current women’s toilet block.

The proposals have the backing of the Friends of Stanley Park and members of the nearby bowling club.