Queens to conquer record

Dene Michael from Black Lace.Dene Michael from Black Lace.
Dene Michael from Black Lace.
Extravangant drag queens and kings will gather in their hundreds in a bid to smash an obscure world record.

The fun-loving team will boogie down to Black Lace’s 1984 party hit Agadoo for five minutes in hope of breaking the world record for the largest number of cross-dressing people dancing at once.

The high-energy event will take place at the Blackpool Tower ballroom on May 26 at 3pm, and will raise funds for Blackpool Pride.

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Event organiser Liam Halewood, 29, said: “At the moment the record stands at 154 people. Since we’re raising money for Blackpool Pride we decided to go for a sort of LGBT-themed world record - but anyone can get involved as long as they dress up!

“It’s a very fun record and as a seaside resort Blackpool represents fun and enjoyment.

People come here and have a good time.”

The event will be presented by original Black Lace band member Dene Michael, who will teach participants the famous Agadoo dance before an attempt is made on the current record.

Liam, of Hornby Road, said: “Dene Michael has always been a great supporter of Blackpool Pride and attends every year.

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“We at least need 200 people doing the Agadoo. That way if you have 20 doing the wrong moves we’re still 180-strong!

“We’ve got a few well-known drag queens coming. We’ve got Kitty Litter - who won’t swear on the day! - and Bonnie La Blue and Chrissy Kay. We’ve got two drag kings involved as well, because it’s for everyone.We’re asking people to try and get family and friends to sponsor them. It doesn’t need to be much – only £5 or £10 each.

“Blackpool Pride is a free event so we’ve got to raise as much as we can to keep it that way. It’s going to be really fun and we’re really looking forward to it.”

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