St Annes family adopt horse following horrific car crash

Tina and CorinneTina and Corinne
Tina and Corinne
A St Annes woman has explained how adopting a rescue horse has helped her family recover from a horrific car accident.

Corinne Mason and her family were travelling on the M6 in 2016 when a car ahead collided with the barrier.

After the Masons’ car had pulled on to the hard should in a bid to avoid the danger, another vehicle then crashed behind them and hit the family.

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Her five-year-old son, Fred, was pushed into the crash barrier, compressing his skull and breaking his pelvis and collarbone. He pulled through and was discharged just one week later after several operations.

Tina and CorinneTina and Corinne
Tina and Corinne

Corinne had always wanted to get another horse, after riding them when she was younger, but wanted to wait until her family were older.

However after the accident she decided it was now or never and adopted Tina.

She said: “It was a huge wakeup call and just made me think, what am I waiting for? I felt like we’d been given a second chance and I wanted to give a rescue pony a second chance by way of a thank you.

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Tina was adopted from World Horse Welfare’s centre in Blackpool.

She was discovered less than a year old underweight and in very poor health with a group of other horses in a waterlogged field with little to eat and drink.

Corinne said: “We’ve spent a lot of time building up her training, getting her confident in all sorts of situations and taking part in horse agility which has been fantastic fun.

“The whole family get involved, my children all love spending time with her and she teaches us all something new every single day.”

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